Groups Scholars Program

Empowering Students for Success

The application is now open for the 2024-2025 academic year.

The Groups Scholars Program was created as a way to increase college attendance among first-generation, underrepresented students at Indiana University East. The program provides academic, financial, and social support to help students attain a bachelor's degree at Indiana University East.

This selective, long-standing scholarship program has been at IU Bloomington since 1968 and is now being made available to students attending IU East.

Students who are accepted into the Groups Scholars program will take one three credit hour course during Summer Session II. Tuition and book fees for this course will be covered upon a student’s acceptance into the Groups program. Groups Scholars will receive $500 in scholarships toward their Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 tuition.

Interactions and support do not end after the summer courses – it will continue to be provided by instructors, program directors, advisors, and your fellow Groups students until you graduate from IU East.

  • Take a free course to kickstart your college career
  • Connect with other new students and make life-long friends
  • Develop skills to be college and career ready
  • Build confidence for coping with the challenges of college
  • Develop leadership and teamwork skills


How to Apply

Thanks for your interest in being a part of the Groups Scholars Program. Start now for your opportunity to be a part of a program that puts students first and will be with you from the start of your application to graduation if accepted. If you are ready to start, use the following step-by-step instructions below to successfully complete your application to the Groups Scholars Program. Application deadline for Academic year 2024-2025 will be April 30, 2024.


Becoming a Groups Scholar

To be eligible for the Groups Scholars programs students must meet the following requirements:

The Groups Scholars Program was created as a way to increase college
attendance among first-generation and underrepresented students.
Students in region (Indiana or Ohio reciprocity counties, including online
students) who meet any of the following criteria are invited to apply:

  • Underrepresented Students
  • First-Generation College Student
  • Income Eligible
  • 21st Century Scholar
  • Minimum Cumulative High School GPA of at least 2.0
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