M.S. Education

Resources for M.S. in Education students:

Retention Requirements

Candidates must maintain a 3.0 Grade Point Average

Candidates who fall below a 3.0, at the conclusion of their foundations coursework, or subsequent semesters, must appeal dismissal. The written appeal statement must include a fully developed improvement plan. Appeals will be assessed by the Graduate Admissions and Retention Committee and are subject to its decision regarding whether a candidate may be readmitted and the required components of the improvement plan.

Candidates must demonstrate consistent progress toward the degree

Candidates not enrolled in coursework in three consecutive academic years must apply for readmission. Readmitted candidates will be subject to degree requirements at the time of readmission. Candidates who have not completed the degree within ten years of admission may be dismissed or required to take additional courses to update professional content and skills. This assessment will be made by the Graduate Admissions and Retention Committee. 


Candidates whose personal conduct or dispositions are contrary to the expectations of the university and the profession may be dismissed.

Students who fail to meet the expectations of the university and the profession may be dismissed. The School of Education policy regarding documentation and dismissal applies to graduate candidates. Such cases will be presented to the Graduate Admissions and Retention Committee. Conduct which violates Student Code of Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct will be referred to the appropriate university authority.

Incomplete Coursework

Graduate candidates with 6 credits of incomplete coursework will not be permitted to enroll in further courses until they have completed requirements for the existing incomplete coursework.

Dismissal is subject to all appeals processes

Enacted by the School of Education and Indiana University East, in compliance with Student Code of Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct.