The Teacher Education Program (TEP) allows you to explore opportunities and fine-tune your goals as a professional teacher.
You'll take courses and have experiences in the field designed to help you determine:
how your unique perspective and talents best fit into the classroom,
the grade level and/or subject you would most like to teach,
whether you'd prefer to work in a rural, suburban or urban setting, or
if you enjoy the challenge of working with students who have unique needs.
Admission to the TEP is one of the major benchmarks on your path to becoming a licensed teacher, and is required before you can take any methods courses (courses which require experiences in the field).
TEP Admission Requirements & Applications
Admission to the TEP requires:
completion of prerequisite courses (see your advisor or program plan);
minimum required grades met for the following courses:
EDUC-F 205: C
EDUC-W 200: C
EDUC-Q 200: C
EDUC-N 102: C
EDUC-P 250: B-
EDUC-M 201: S
HIST-H 105/106: C
EDUC-M 300: C
EDUC-K 305: C
EDUC-P 320: C
EDUC-E 301/EDUC-F 203: C
EDUC-E 337: C
EDUC-M 311: C+
EDUC-W 290: C
satisfactory writing sample and admission interview;
and finally, submission of the Teacher Education Program application (must be submitted at least 1 week prior to beginning of Methods courses).
Once you've satisfactorily completed the requirements, you will be admitted to the TEP. You'll receive notification of admission via email, and can attend the Teacher Education Program induction ceremony.
Admission to the TEP must occur prior to beginning your Fall internship. Admission requires:
Once you've satisfactorily completed the requirements, you will be admitted to the TEP. You'll receive notification of admission via email, and can attend the Teacher Education Program induction ceremony.
Your admission to the TEP is the last step required for admission into the T2T program. Successful admission requires: