It's simple: Healthy sex is safe and consensual
If you've chosen to be sexually active, always remember that your body is yours and yours alone. Share it only when you are ready, and take good care of your gorgeous self!
Prevent STDs
There are a number of ways to prevent catching or spreading sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including:
- correct and consistent condom use (free condoms are available in the Center for Health Promotion, Hayes Hall room 001),
- the HPV and hepatitis B vaccines (the hepatitis B vaccine is available on-campus),
- knowing your and your partner's STD status by getting tested,
- home HIV test kits are available,
- and many more.
Respect yourself and your partner
Feeling worried about catching an STD or pressured to do something you don't want to do is not a healthy way to experience sex. Consent when you are truly ready and remember that sex should be your choice. You have no obligation to anyone and no one has an obligation to you.
A few tips:
- If you are in a situation that you are not comfortable with, slow things down, say something, or leave. "No" is always an option.
- If you need someone to talk to or confide in, our counselor is available for you.
- If you are in (or witness) an unsafe or dangerous situation, call 911.
- Know what to do if you experience or witness sexual violence or misconduct, and learn what we are doing (and what you can do) to raise awareness.